Legend of Arcana(Prologue+Chapter 1) (go back »)

July 14 2007, 2:19 AM

 As his eyes glowed the audience forced to watch the overdose of criminal actions perished out of existance.
 This horrid event occured ten years ago. Even though the time period between the fall of Arcana and now is that of a decade, everyone has forgotten. Memories lost, unknown how and why. Records no longer exist of the tragic fall of the unparrell continent. No one wonders how for the reason that no one remembers. As I lay on the brink of death, as the only rememberance, I will make sure someone remembers, I will leave this single piece of paper, in hope that someone remembers. Remembers the Legend Of Arcana.



~88 years later~

 An echoing sound of continuous knocking fills the almost barren appartment. The sound pauses as a young woman being to speak.
 "Brandon! Wake up, it's already past noon."
 No answer. Angered, she begins knocking louder and harder until her hand turns as red as red wine.
 "Brandon, it's Maria, now open up!"
 No response, just complete, almost pieceful silence.
 "Dammit Brandon! Open this door right now!"
 Now, that silence just horribly died.
 Angered once more, the woman by the name Maria turns to a man wearing a faded brown vest over a black tanktop, with long black hair and yellow eyes. Marias big blue eyes glicened at the sight of him. The man walks up to the door, takes a key out of his pocket, so gentaly while holding a brown paper bag. As he unlocks the door with a small turn, the woman standing behind him with the name of Maria shows an almost teary expression. With the utmost joy. The man with the brown paper bag and brown faded vest over the black tanktop slowly walks into the apartment room, leaving the door open behind him; almost as if her was inviting her inside without uttering a single sound. The blonde blue-eyed woman, slowly enters as if she isn't sure what to do or say. She stares at him in awe. Not a praising awe, but just a simple speachless awe.
 As the black haired, yellow-eyed man unpacks stuff from the brown paper bag, the thin blonde woman enters closer to him.
 "Brandon..." She says ever so quietly.
 He says nothing back and keeps removing the supplies he bought and sets the down on the counter in front of him; in which the bag rests on. Maria's face turns slightly red and her eyes fill with silent rage.
 "Brandon." She exclaims with a quiet yet agrivated voice.
 "Where have you been? I was worried. When no one answers, I thought maybe...Maybe something happened to you..." Maria looks down waiting for a reply, and gets none.
 "Brandon!" she expresses in a much louder voice as he keeps taking stuff, slowly, out of the paper bag.
 "Say something." Maria stares at him with concerned eyes.
 "Sorry." Says the quiet man in a low almost translucent voice.
 Maria, angery, happy, and quite sad at the same time drives her emotions inward and shows an emotionless tear. As she wipes it away she turns toward the old, slightly open door.
 "I see, so you're busy then. I understand. I'll go then." She begins to unsurly walk toward the door.
 "Goodbye Brandon." Still standing at the counter with the brown paper bag resting on the counter in front of him. He stands motionless and says quietly:
 Maria walks out and closes the door behind her. The young Brandon rests his hands on the counter and looks down at it with his half open yellow eyes. He says her name so quietly, he himself dosen't even know he's saying it.


(Working on more, be posting the next two chapters in one blog soon, tell me what you think, PLEASE!)

In Legend Of Arcana (My story/book in progress)


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Read this long ago. Good job bro.

Posted by Narciske on Jul 17, 07 9:13 pm

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  • 16 years old


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