LOA Chapter 2 (go back »)

July 19 2007, 6:39 PM

 The silent wind suddenly became as loud as a hurricane roar.
"Harry! What's the rush? Com'on, slow down!"
The one speaking wass a larger man with bright, short blonde hair; and small beaty eyes. He wore, as always, a white colored shirt with a pocket protector on the left side of his chest. Along with casual blue jeans and black dress shoes. He's always smiling, no matter the situation. His smile was glued across his chubby face. And the goofy was he talks, never got in the way of his acute inteligence.
 "Sorry Bob, no can do. Maria is the one who called...She said it had something to do with Brandon."
 This time, the man speaking was tall, sort of slim, with dirty brown hair. His baby blue eyes held a look of binding determination. He was sharp, perhaps he might even be TOO sharp. Wearing, always wearing, a white suit with a red undershirt, and a silk, jet black tie. Along with his black dress shoes and an always handy cigarette pack in his left, front pocket of his pants. His voice was smooth and slick, his intelegence was almost peerless.
"Brandon?!" Bob announced.
"What happened to him? Is he okay, Harry?
Watching the road as he drove, Harry replied in his calm, casual tone.
"I don't know Bob. But we'll find out soon enough." As Harry ended his sentence, he smashed his right foot on the gas pedal and flew down the small, unpopulated backroads.
"So where are we off to, Harry?"
"A small coffee shop, on the other side of town."
Bob nods in recognition.
 Closing in on the only stop light on these suddle back roads, Bob hears his cell phone ring.
"Oh man, it must be Lin!"
Digging through his pickets, Bob eagerly searches for his phone. Bob checks the backseats, along with his coat pockets, which was laying streched along the backseat of Harrys' topless car.
"Harry! I can't find it!"
Moving though the light, right before it turns red, Harry replies in his calm, normal voice.
"Check the glovebox, Bob."
With a curious face, Bob opens the glove compartment in front of him and spots his phone; which at that very moment, as every other time this happens, it stopped ringing. Bob sighs and looks at Harry. Without Bob uttering a single word, Harry replies to his expression.
 "You put it in the glove box before we left so you would remember where it was, Bob." Harry exclaimed in his usuall, caim tone.
 "Oh...Well, i'll be." Bob replied in his dopey voice.
 As the two pulled up to the coffee shop, Harry quickly spotted Maria sitting at an outside table with a small coffee cup, halfway filled with coffee; two sugars no cream. How she always takes it. Bob, glancing at Harry notices him spoting her and look out at her. Bob points at her by jolting his head to the side a few times.
"There she is Harry."
Harry sighs, looking at the road as he turns his silk-glaze white car onto the side of the curb in front of Maria's small navy blue car. As the two got out of the car and began walking toward Maria, Bobs cell phone started to ring.
"In your pocket, Bob." Harry said without hesitation.
Bob reached into his pocket, took out his phone and answered it. He closed the top of his phone down, and without a single remark to one another; Bob looked at Harry, who nodded in confirmation.
Bob turned around and walked to the other side of the building, so that neither Maria or even Harry could see him int the slightest. A gun metal colored car came by through the way Bob and Harry did, moving toward where Bob was walking.
 Harry, who was looking in the direction that Bob left in, turns and walks toward Maria with a smile and put his hand in the air to symbolize a greeting.
 "Hi there Maria." His voice reflecting his erotic eyes, making his greeting sound almost sexual.
Maria, looks at Harry with a faint smile. Her eyes open halfway. As Harry pulls out the chair across from the small, round table she is sitting at, she adresses him.
 "Good afternoon..."
Harry sits down in the pulled out chair, folds his hands together and puts his elbows down on the table and rested his chin on his folded hands. The two made eye contact, as Maria finishes her sentence.
 "...Harry Mcdowell."

In Legend Of Arcana (My story/book in progress)


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  • 16 years old


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